Add Deliverables

The sharing of files via the Client Portal is possible following the creation of a folder in 'Your Deliverables'

Start by selecting 'Add Deliverables' when you are in the Client Portal Settings:

Populate the presented fields with your Folder Name and description

NOTE - by ticking 'Enable Client Upload' your clients will be able too to upload files to the Deliverable section of their Client Portal

Uploading a file is easy, simply click on the folder you wish to upload to;

Enter your chosen file name, or 'Browse Files' and confirm your selection by clicking 'Ok'

NOTE - Maximum file size that can be uploaded is 50mb
              Accepted file types are .txt / .docx / .pdf / .adt / doc / .ppt / .pptx / .xls / .csv / .xlsx / .png / .jpeg / .svg / .zip